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Winning Mzansi Women: Interview with Prom Mfeka, Social Media Manager and Founder of Lost & Found Media


Aug 16, 2022 2:13:46 PM

In celebration of Women's Month, we want to introduce you to another one of our #WinningMzansiWomen, Prom Mfeka. As a leading Social Media Manager and Brand Strategist at Peach Payments as well as Founder of her own company, Lost & Found Media, she's someone who cultivates emotional connections between products and consumers. We chat to her about her experience as a female in the fintech industry and how she balances a full-time job with entrepreneurship. 

Hellopeter: You currently have a full-time job and your own entrepreneurial venture. Did you always envision this and being in the fintech industry?

Prom Mfeka: The fintech industry sort of just happened by chance. I had an opportunity straight out of university to dive into the industry and found myself loving it here, helping small businesses with the tools they need to grow and live out their dream. The best part of the fintech industry is knowing I'm a small part of an entrepreneur's success story. Being surrounded by entrepreneurs all the time and insanely talented individuals has been amazing. 

It took me a few years, but since being in the fintech industry, I realised that my true passion is helping businesses grow, and since then, I have always tried to align myself with brands with the same passion. After a few years, I started my side hustle, Lost & Found Media — an agency dedicated to helping develop the brands of small businesses online.

HP: The fintech industry (and marketing) has historically been male-dominated. Do you feel this is still true, or have you seen a shift?

PM: I have seen a major shift, and it honestly makes me so happy to see and be a part of it. The company I work for now, Peach Payments, is one of the most diverse and inclusive companies I have seen, and I'm blessed to be a part of the change. It's not every day that you have as many women and women of colour in leadership positions. It's truly inspiring. This shift is needed, and women bring so much to the table. They are true drivers of change and impact. 

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HP: Tell us about your own business. What has been your greatest success and biggest challenges to date?

PM: The two biggest things I'm most proud of are that Lost & Found Media are helping launch South Africa's first luxury beauty subscription box called Boxful and, most recently, helping launch White Buffalo Boxing & Fitness — a gym owned by world-renowned boxer, Francois Botha. 

I think the biggest challenge for me has been to balance life. Working a full 9-6 PM and still finding time to run a business before and after work while having some sort of social life has been rough but exciting. These past two years have been the best ones yet. 

HP: What do you hope to see in the future generation of women in business?

PM: I hope to see women being bolder and taking risks. I want to see more women starting their own businesses, especially in industries that were so heavily male-dominated. I also want to see younger girls in school finding their passion and running after it fearlessly. It's so inspiring to me. 

HP: How did leveraging online reviews help you in both your role and entrepreneurial venture?

PM: Online reviews in my role helped me empathise with consumers and understand their pain points. As businesses, we need to ensure that we're constantly doing our best to make our customers our number one priority. 

Online reviews are the only way we can gauge how well our brand is doing in the market, and it's important to know the brand temperature constantly.

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HP: Any advice for young women thinking about starting their own business or stepping into the fintech/marketing world?

PM: I would say my top three are:

  • Be a sponge, learn as much as possible, and don't be afraid to make mistakes
  • Surround yourself with people who are as driven and motivated as you are
  • Trust yourself and remember that no one else can do what you do

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