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Your Guide to Displaying Review Metrics on Your Website


Feb 22, 2024 7:48:02 AM

In our digital world, online reviews play a significant role in shaping consumer decisions. Potential customers often turn to platforms like Hellopeter to gauge the credibility and trustworthiness of a business before making a purchase or engaging in a service. 

One powerful way to build trust is by providing website visitors with a quick snapshot of your online reputation through review metrics. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of getting your key Hellopeter metrics on your website.

Why Display Hellopeter Review Metrics on Your Website?

Adding your reviews to your website helps to encourage faster conversions. However, reading through them can take time. By displaying your review metrics, you give your website visitors a quick overview of your online reputation without them having to read every review.

For maximum success, Hellopeter offers customisable review metric widgets that align with your brand's style and guidelines. 

Decoding Your Hellopeter Metrics

Your Hellopeter metrics, based on your review data, are shown on your Hellopeter business profile.

Here are the key metrics you should know about:

1. TrustIndex

The TrustIndex is a primary metric consumers use to assess your business's credibility and trustworthiness. A higher TrustIndex bolsters your standing against competitors.

2. Industry Ranking

Your Industry Ranking shows how your business ranks relative to others in your industry. The higher your TrustIndex compared to competitors, the better your Industry Ranking.

3. Average Review Rating

The Average Review Rating provides a quick snapshot of customer satisfaction and represents the collective sentiment expressed through star ratings on Hellopeter.

4. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Your NPS score indicates how likely your customers are to recommend your business to others, offering insights into your brand advocacy.


How to Display Your Hellopeter Review Metrics

To maximise the impact of your Hellopeter metrics, Hellopeter has introduced review metric widgets. These widgets allow you to showcase your TrustIndex, Industry Ranking, Average Review Rating, and NPS directly on your business website.

Step 1: Choose Your Widget

Hellopeter gives you access to a variety of fully customisable review widgets to suit your preferences. These widgets can be found in the Widget Library menu on your Portal. Once you've identified the widget that aligns with your brand and style, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Copy the HTML Code Snippet

Under your chosen widget, you'll find an HTML code snippet. Copy this snippet, which contains the information necessary for the widget to be displayed on your website.

Step 3: Paste the HTML Code

Paste the copied HTML code snippet into your website's HTML code. This will ensure the widget integrates seamlessly for a harmonious appearance on your website.


Where to Display Hellopeter Widgets on Your Website

Hellopeter widgets can be strategically placed throughout your website. For e-commerce businesses, consider adding key metrics as part of the check-out flow. This provides reassurance to customers, potentially boosting conversions.


Get your Hellopeter Review Widgets Today

Consumer trust is the cornerstone of business success. By showcasing your Hellopeter review metrics on your website, you help instil trust and credibility among potential customers. So, head over to your Hellopeter portal for review widgets you can showcase on your website today.


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Step-by-step for managing your Hellopeter Business profile

Lesson 2: The Hellopeter Cycle and How to Manage Your Profile