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How Mondo uses Hellopeter to improve on every customer touchpoint


Oct 19, 2020 2:15:35 PM

How we met industry challenges

The telecommunications industry is saturated with products that are complex and often fail to meet customer needs. The websites that sell these products are usually frustrating to navigate and lack robust tools to find deals or products based on preferences, personal needs and budgets. 

Hellopeter is invaluable in helping Mondo to understand customers’ needs and concerns through their feedback and testimonials, so we can improve our product range, customer service and continue to build tools that enable us to better serve them.


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Hellopeter as a listening tool

Mondo’s key distinguishing factor in the saturated mobile and data space is that we offer convenience and a better customer experience - both online and offline.  Hellopeter is one of our most valuable listening tools to gauge how our customers feel about our brand, the buying journey and how we can continuously improve their experience at every touchpoint. 

For example, during the nationwide lockdown, mobile devices were considered a luxury, but being connected to the internet for work, study and entertainment became essential. Interest in affordable data deals rose massively, and this need was expressed in customer reviews and feedback, allowing us to shift focus and offer products aligned to this need through our CLICK, COMPARE, CONNECT website functionality. 

An additional benefit is that we offer free and safe delivery to customers’ doors, thereby mitigating risks and giving customers much-needed peace of mind.

Every interaction is an opportunity to improve

How potential, current and past customers feel about the brand affects future sales, loyalty and the overall sentiment around Mondo. We’ve learnt to embrace both negative and positive reviews, as every interaction is an opportunity to build our relationships with customers. 

To a potential customer researching the brand, knowing we embrace feedback is great for building credibility and trust. Additionally, reviews are a great, free-market research tool that often influences other areas of the business. For example, a spike in negative reviews around pro-rata billing indicates a need to educate and offer transparency on how a customer’s first bill is calculated by publishing content on our website, social and through customer care support teams.

Mondo in blog

Delivering great customer experience is everyone’s responsibility

A key lesson for Mondo is that delivering a great customer experience is not the responsibility of a specific team, but rather every team’s responsibility. The factors that influence customer experience, loyalty and sentiment are owned across various teams, including sales, support, marketing and fulfilment. These dedicated teams come together to ensure customers are always first by giving them the best value, convenience and delightful experiences.


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